The Move 4 Life System
A comprehensive suite of training and consulting services that will dramatically reduce the risk, incidence and severity of sprain & strain injuries in any manual handling environment and build physical resilience in an ageing or sedentary workforce.
The key to the long-term sustainability of your Move 4 Life System implementation is the strategies we help you implement to ensure ongoing application of what is learned on the job and at home.
There are no quick fixes. There is no launch-and-leave program that can get results in reducing sprain and strain injuries.
We work with you to develop customised sustainability strategies to ensure long-term results.
Communication strategies, visual strategies, template toolbox talks, peer support, Monthly content reminders and lots more.
We use traditional and new technology platforms to deliver all this – especially our MOVE App.
We would be happy to share many examples with you offline so you can see what a comprehensive Sustainability Strategy looks like.

MOVE Training is the benchmark in manual handling training. It challenges the ‘traditional’ approach to manual handling training that is characterised by uninspiring theory and a lack of real-world applicability.
MOVE Training help people to discover the most biomechanically efficient techniques and uses a behaviour change methodology that encourages them to take ownership of the way they move.
This results in the incidence and severity of injuries reducing, productivity increasing, costs falling and fewer people getting hurt at work.
MOVE Training is a highly practical program – there are no desks, pens or paper and we don’t use Powerpoint. Participants spend about 80% of the 3-hour program on their feet learning by doing.
MOVE Training teaches people how to move better – at work, at home and at play.
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MOVE Training has a special module for people who work in an office environment and may have a more sedentary lifestyle.
Our unique MOVE Survey helps people understand the extent of their sedentary lifestyle and the potential health impacts if they don’t create change.
Also, keep in mind that even sedentary, office-based workers have lives outside of work. They are playing sport, gardening, working around the house – lifting, pushing, pulling and lots more.
MOVE Training helps people office-based workers to move more – in the office at work, at home and at play.
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A key to success from MOVE Training is the transfer of learning on-the-job.
MOVE Coaching helps cement the learning from MOVE Training for individuals in their own circumstances – it’s a one-on-one, around 15-minute session with the trainer to allow employees to ask questions, ensure understanding and check application on their own specific tasks and for their own body.
MOVE Coaching can also be used as a Refresher program or for high-risk roles where revisiting the content of MOVE Training is helpful.
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MOVE Champions assist business leaders in implementing the Sustainability Strategies. They help bring Move 4 Life ‘to life’ in each workplace and are a critical factor in the long-term success of a Move 4 Life System implementation.
MOVE Champions are workplace leaders – typically supervisors or team leaders but also just people of influence in frontline roles – who are keen to step-up and play a role supporting their peers in applying what they have learned in MOVE Training.
It is a highly engaging program considered a fundamental part of the likely long-term sustainable success of the Move 4 Life System and contributes to embedding Move 4 Life into the culture of a workplace.
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MOVE Leaders is a live-digital training session designed for people leaders who are implementing the Move 4 Life System.
It’s about onboarding, upskilling and engaging with them so they can effectively lead and support employees in their teams as they learn to apply on the job what they learned in MOVE Training.
An important part of any new initiative is the engagement and support shown by business leaders. This is a highly customisable program that is key to optimising the long-term sustainability of a Move 4 Life Sydney implementation.
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Managing manual handling risks is an essential part of creating a safe work environment. Our consulting advice is sought across all major industries – whether it’s equipment recommendations, task analysis, review of SWMS, risk assessments or ergonomic assessments.
We also run dedicated Manual Handling Risk Assessment & Office Workstation set-up Programs to teach your WHS people how to conduct these type of assessments effectively.
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The most comprehensive, sustainable and effective approach to implementing Move 4 Life is to bring it in-house. This is achieved by accrediting your own internal trainers to deliver MOVE Training and MOVE Coaching.
Your nominated trainers will take part in an intense 4-day MOVE Train-the-Trainer program led by a Move 4 Life Master Trainer. This will quickly and efficiently equip them with all the necessary skills and materials to confidently deliver MOVE Training and conduct MOVE Coaching sessions.
Our experience over almost 20 years with dozens of customers and more than 2,000 accredited MOVE Trainers is that we can transfer the knowledge required to be very confident that your MOVE Trainers will be able to deliver to the level of quality required to get results.
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